Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Love yourself

I do think that some females really just don't love themselves enough.

Okay correction: I do think some humans, regardless their gender, just don't love themselves enough.

Some people fear loneliness
Hey I'm not saying loneliness is good, but it's not that bad either.
It is not a weakness, and it is not a form of darkness which one should just sings about
Loneliness is something we ourselves could control
Now cut the bullshit about how it creeps in and make you cry
Coz that is freaking exactly my point
If you cry when you feel lonely, that would be because you simply don't love yourself enough

Present days I believe that anyone would be capable to enjoy loneliness if they're strong enough
And that strength comes from not courage, but the love you have for yourself
If you love yourself, accept your flaws and your strengths.
Accept that you have weaknesses and accept you for what you truly are
It is not a crime that you're horny, provided that you stand by the accepted moral conduct of the society. In other words, you don't go around raping women.
It is not a crime, that you cry everytime you feel frustrated, or sad, or angry or any other emotions, as long as you tend to stand back up again, feeling better and fresh and able to keep going. Tears, in these situation my dear, are a sign of strength.

If you love yourself enough, smile and say "I know" when someone rubs one of your flaws right into your face. Acceptance my dear, is a great thing. No human is ever perfect. It is our flaws which make each and every one of us unique and human. Is it also those who call themselves friends(including you yourself) who are responsible to accept the flaws of others. Accept the flaws you have and those which your friends around you have, find strength in this acceptance, then if you want to and if you can, change yourself for the better. If you accept your friends' flaws, but still got bullied psychologically by those whom you call friends, then the fault is not with you. Do not blame it entirely on yourself. You, who understand the flaws you have and had tried to do something about it, are far off better than the ignorant and the arrogant.

If you love yourself enough, accept the compliments people give you. Modesty is a beautiful thing, but don't overdo it, it gives the adverse effect. If you don't feel like you lived up to the compliment, then try your best to do live up to it. Not whine about it somewhere else. It would seem like you're showing off, just to let you know. You wouldn't know, sometimes, that you actually do earn the crown.

If you love yourself enough, do everything you could to live as happily as you could, even in the most dire of predicaments. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, I'm just saying that you should try to avoid regrets in the later days.

Love yourself, before you love others; Take good care of yourself, so you'll get the qualification of taking care of others. If you don't love yourself enough, I'm telling you, you'll find it hard to live contentedly. For one, you'll never be at peace with yourself.

And I am aware that some people would ask:" What happens when some greedy dude lives off hard-work pennies of the people ,under the great name of self-love?"
Well let me tell you this, whatever misdeeds you do, it'll eventually catch up with you. If you think you can run away from your sins, however small, even if it is not regarded as a sin by the common society, you're sorely wrong. Karma sees to that. So would one who truly loves oneself do misdeeds? Not when one doesn't have to, I can tell you that.

Love yourself people. It's not easy to come to love oneself sometimes. I can understand that. Coz I myself been through great struggles to understand this.


  1. Replies
    1. 发泄一些郁闷嘛,有些人太没脑筋的了,似乎你有时也是?
